Financial emergencies in your business can meet you at any point. Sometimes, you may not have the money at hand to handle such situations, which pushes you into getting financial help from business people in the lending industry. It even becomes worse when the time comes to repay such a debt, but you are still not financially able. In such a case, one of the best options is to get a debt consolidation loan. However, before you take the plunge, there are a few things to know about choosing this type of funding.
Sources of Debt Consolidation Loans
Fortunately, you have several options when it comes to getting this financing to settle your debts. Some of the best sources include;
SBA Loans
One of the advantages of acquiring a Small Business Administration loan is that the process is not complicated. Lenders are more willing to give out these loans, considering that they are backed by the federal government. Besides consolidating your debts, you can use SBA loans, such as 7(a) and 504, for other financial needs, including restocking or equipment purchase.
Bank Loans
You can get a debt consolidation loan from a bank to offset some or all the debts you may have in your enterprise. Importantly, this is made easy because you may have developed a close relationship with your local bank or credit union. On the downside, getting a traditional bank loan is not easy for small businesses, especially after the 2008-09 recessions. Most banks are more willing to lend to established enterprises that have built a strong credit rating over the years.
Alternative Lenders
If you do not qualify for a bank loan, it would be appropriate to consider getting a debt consolidation loan from alternative lenders. This type of financing is easy to come by, and most lenders focus on small businesses only. Nonetheless, you must understand that loans from alternative lenders come with higher interest rates than traditional bank loans. On the brighter side, such loans have less-stringent requirements.
Paying off your debts means giving your enterprise a chance to thrive. Feel free to contact JHF Capital, which is better positioned to provide all the financial advice and assistance you require to offset your debts. Â