Law firms need to be marketed just as much as any other business. Despite this, selling the public on services from a group of attorneys differs from that of publicizing other forms of commerce. The field’s sensitive nature demands discretion and billboards fail to instill the same level of confidence as personal referrals. Here are a few ways law groups can promote their availability without emitting the whiff of a hard sell.
Make It Easy for Customers To Get in Touch
First and foremost, your website needs a form that makes reaching out quick and simple. In addition to fields requesting basic information such as name, address, phone number and email, ask questions such as how they found out about you and what services they are inquiring about. Have this contact tool appear alongside every page rather than only within a standalone subsection. That way, no matter where visitors land on your site, they will have an immediate manner of getting in touch.
Start Writing
When someone reads a well-written and informative article, it leaves a lasting impression. If you gain someone’s confidence through text, there’s a good chance that individual will desire your services when legal matters arise. Submit your essays to mainstream magazines as well as newspapers big and small, but note that running a blog means your compositions can never be rejected.
Spread Your Information Online
Gone are the days when the Yellow Pages were the only game in town. Today, people look up everything on the internet. Most of the time, seekers use Google and search engine optimization is an important aspect of maintaining your firm’s visibility. However, never discount the value of law-specific registers. As the net continues to expand, litigants will become increasingly inclined to utilize listings designed to service their specific needs.
Involve Yourself in the Community
Choose a charity and pledge to help out. Besides an inherent feeling of goodwill, you will be gaining valuable exposure that reflects well upon your character. In most instances, websites explaining their altruistic causes have links to their sponsors. Let the individuals in charge know you would greatly appreciate a prominent hyperlink to your page.
Services from an attorney cannot be advertised like any other product. Having your name splashed on a bus or park bench may be satisfactory for some, but promoting your expertise with greater subtlety is likely a better strategy. Spread your name organically to garner exposure without creating a bad taste.